Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT)

  • Prescribing in the dark: off-label drug treatments for children with insomnia

    Insomnia is a common problem in children with neurodevelopmental disabilities (NDDs), and has a profound effect on quality-of-life.

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  • The overlap between low self-esteem and anxiety/depression in CAMHS

    Our systematic review aimed to establish what is known about low self-esteem and anxiety/depression in young people (<18s). We wanted to find out whether young people with clinically significant anxiety disorders and/or depression also have low self-esteem as measured on validated questionnaires. We also wanted to know whether young people with low self-esteem as measured on a validated questionnaire develop depression and anxiety symptomology later in adolescence and young adulthood.

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  • Determining the “IMPACT” of therapeutics for depression requires an adaptive trial design

    A large proportion of adolescents suffering from moderate-to-severe major depression respond to psychological and pharmacological therapy, and the range of effective treatment modalities is increasing. Now, Ian Goodyer and Paul Wilkinson have compiled a Practitioner Review that compares the various treatment options available and assesses their effectiveness for adolescents affected by major depressive episodes.

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